Book: Good to the Last Drop: Refreshing Inspiration for Homeschool Moms and Other Busy Women
Author: Dee Dee Wike
Release Date: pre-release (scheduled for release December 2009)
Genre: memoir with religious themes
Pages: 332
Review Date: 10 29 2009
Review: Last drop is a spiritually intimate journey into the mind of an American Christian woman who reflects upon the religious and familial as well as intrapsychic sanctities of her several decades of Human experience. Written in the well-known formula of musing meets morality (think Chicken Soup for the Soul) Last Drop was an enjoyable, at times moving and at times funny (and at times both) exploration about the life and times of the American mother and parishioner. The book is broken into a litany of short memoirs and musings, most often closing with a scriptural tie in from the Bible.
On the writing style: Easy to read, easy language, with speckled humor that oscillates with analytical wisdom and subtle dialectics. The book itself appears to have been crafted as the type of novel that can be read on a coffee table or as a brief motivator for every day, or rather can be read straight through (most probably on a rainy, overcast day next to a roasting fire).
On the Target Audience: While the book has wide ranging appeal to any consumer who identifies in the Judeo-Christian religious spectrum, the author very appropriately defines the target audience in the title: Mothers, especially those who home school and are actively religious will like this book the most. However there are wide ranging applications that transcend many demographics.
On the best parts: As with all memoir fiction, certain passages have particular intimacy and insight. I enjoyed the underpinning morality and humor of "On the right side of the grass" and "Fill ‘er up", while enjoying the direct and simple, yet emotionally somber narrative of "Refreshed".
Closing thoughts and overall summary: An easy, fun read that anyone in the Judeo-Christian theological spectrum could easily appreciate. Seems to be an excellent tool for stimulating thoughts that might be shared in a religious talk or Sunday School lesson.
Author websites:
--Heath Sommer
Last Drop was a great read! The messages are inspirational, and they aren't very long. Anyone could read one or two for a quick pick-me-up! Dee Dee's writing is conversational, and readers will find a book filled with the humor and stress of everyday situations. The messages make a connection with Scripture, which serve as a reminder that God can be found if we only look for him.